Art as Alchemy and
Alchemy as Art
Pieces for Sale
(Works previously on display in Story Hotel,
Riddargatan 6 in Stockholm, 2020-2022)
(Works previously on display in Story Hotel,
Riddargatan 6 in Stockholm, 2020-2022)
Kintsugi Interpretation
Ink & Acrylic on Paper, 66 x 88 cm, 2016/17 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price: SEK 8,800
Ink & Acrylic on Paper, 66 x 88 cm, 2016/17 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price: SEK 8,800
Raw Ore I & II
Acrylic & Tempera on Canvas, 217 x 65 cm, 2007 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price: SEK 22,000 / piece Diptych: SEK 40,000
Acrylic & Tempera on Canvas, 217 x 65 cm, 2007 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price: SEK 22,000 / piece Diptych: SEK 40,000
Renaissance III (Sold)
Acrylic, Tempera, Schlagmetall & Cast Iron Hinges on Handmade Paper from India,
110 x 110 cm, 2019 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price: SEK 20,500
Acrylic, Tempera, Schlagmetall & Cast Iron Hinges on Handmade Paper from India,
110 x 110 cm, 2019 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price: SEK 20,500
Vintage Rubedo I & II
Ink on Handmade Paper from India in Vintage-style Table Frames
2020 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price/piece: SEK 750. Contact artist for details.
Ink on Handmade Paper from India in Vintage-style Table Frames
2020 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price/piece: SEK 750. Contact artist for details.
Message in a Bottle: Art in a Vial
12 glass vials, one for each Star Sign of the Zodiac:
The vials contain a ready-made necklace with a mini art scroll and a personalised note
painted and handwritten by Caroline Freudenthal, for each Sign.
2021-2022 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price per Vial/Sign: SEK 499. Contact artist for details.
12 glass vials, one for each Star Sign of the Zodiac:
The vials contain a ready-made necklace with a mini art scroll and a personalised note
painted and handwritten by Caroline Freudenthal, for each Sign.
2021-2022 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price per Vial/Sign: SEK 499. Contact artist for details.