Wabi-Sabi is a concept in Japanese aesthetics, appreciating beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. In short, these pieces are about embracing imperfection and playfulness in the creative process.
The whole set of six hanging together creates a wonderful burst of colour on the wall, but they can also hang separately in smaller groups or as solo pieces.
Wabi-Sabi Hexaptych, Ink on handmade paper from India
Approx. 30 x 30 cm /piece, 2020/2022 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price: SEK 2,900 / piece Hexaptych SEK 16,000
(frames not included, contact artist for price details including frames)
Wabi-Sabi is a concept in Japanese aesthetics, appreciating beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. In short, these pieces are about embracing imperfection and playfulness in the creative process.
The whole set of six hanging together creates a wonderful burst of colour on the wall, but they can also hang separately in smaller groups or as solo pieces.
Wabi-Sabi Hexaptych, Ink on handmade paper from India
Approx. 30 x 30 cm /piece, 2020/2022 ©Caroline Freudenthal
Price: SEK 2,900 / piece Hexaptych SEK 16,000
(frames not included, contact artist for price details including frames)